
Dear baby: Week 26

maternity self portrait week 26

Dear baby,

I got to see you again this week. You’ve been a little more trouble than your brothers and sister, which means more doctor visits and more ultrasounds. But you’re healthy, and that’s all that matters. You’re in a breach position, but they say you have plenty of time to turn around. I’d really rather not end my last pregnancy with a c-section- so please do!

I haven’t bought too much for you, since I have a lot left over from your sister. But I got you a bassinet, since you’ll be staying in our room for  a while. If I’m going to be waking up several times a night I’d rather have you right next to me!

Your due date seems so far away. I just can’t wait to meet you and snuggle you. With your brothers at school, we’ll have a lot of time to get to know each other.

Impatiently waiting,


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  • Amy09/30/2013 - 1:12 am

    I love this! So sweet. She will love reading this when she is grown. By the way you look ridiculously beautiful in this photo!ReplyCancel

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