
Why I started my photography business

I held my breath as the ultrasound wand glided over my belly. Waiting to hear those three words. My third pregnancy, I had two boys already. Each time I had wanted to hear the words “it’s a girl!” but those sweet boys were meant to come into our family first. I waited, hoping so hard that it was a girl. Finally, we saw and heard it confirmed- it was a girl! We were so excited.

A couple of months later I brought Audra’s big brothers into the living room and bribed them to let me take their pictures. I had seen gorgeous pictures online of new babies and I wanted to capture my little girl that same way. I had my little canon point and shoot that my dad had given me for Christmas some years back. I posed the kids and did my best to take photos the way I’d seen online. I remember being frustrated that they weren’t turning out anywhere near the way I wanted. (expectation vs reality, right?)

When I decided to buy my dlsr I did lots of research to make sure I was making the right choices. I wanted to make sure I could take the best pictures possible. When I started taking pictures with the new camera I noticed a significant difference in the quality of the images, but I was still getting drastically different results. Some images were great, some had really harsh lighting and dark shadowy subjects. (It’s not just about the camera!) This led me to do more research and photograph everything and everyone that would let me. Before long I realized how much I loved this creative outlet. That’s when clients came into the picture and I’ve never looked back.

It is so fun to be able to capture the moments that happen in my life, and in others lives in a beautiful way.

My beautiful girl…
(scroll down to see her baby pictures- if you dare!)









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